Updates on COVID-19

RDCRS School Re-Entry Update - September 5, 2021

Dear Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools Families, Based on the most recent Alberta Government COVID-19 update on Friday, September 3, 2021, Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (RDCRS) is implementing the following adjustments to our school re-entry plan. These adjustments are based on the medical evidence shared with us from Alberta Health regarding masking in indoor spaces as a way to mitigate transmission. Effective Tuesday, September 7, 2021:

  • RDCRS requires that all staff, and students from Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12, wear non-medical masks on school buses, and in all common areas in school buildings, or where physical distancing is not possible.
    • In classrooms if students are front facing and seated in rows with spacing, students can remove masks.
      Individuals who are unable to wear a mask will require a medical exemption in alignment with Alberta Health CMOH Order 40-2021. Families will work with school administration on how this will apply to their child.
    • For staff and students, masks are not required when outdoors or during physical activity.
    • Rentals of facilities and schools will remain operational. Masking is mandatory for all rental groups.
    • School sports will continue with masking requirements in place for students who are off fields of play. All spectators and coaches will be required to wear a mask.
  • Large gatherings of students including assemblies will be paused.
  • Cohorting will not be required at this time, however schools will examine what cohorting may look like and how to operationalize if it becomes needed.
  • Alberta Health Services is no longer providing close contact tracing. Schools are only made aware of cases by individuals self-disclosing. If schools are made aware of a positive case within a classroom, they will inform affected families. Please note our schools may not be aware of all cases of COVID-19.

Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kathleen Finnigan

Mandatory Use of Masks

The Alberta Government announced on August 4 that non-medical masks will be mandatory for Grade 4-12 students and staff when school returns for in-person instruction on August 31, 2020. Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12 students will be provided with two reusable non-medical masks. Non-medical masks will be required in all shared and common spaces, such as hallways and on school buses. Masks will remain optional for Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 3 students. For more information, please visit the Alberta Government website.

Provincial Assessment

Diploma Exams

All 2020-2021 diploma exams are optional this school year due to COVID-19.

  • Students will get an exemption if they choose not to write a diploma exam.
  • To receive an exemption, students need to take the course and get a current school-awarded mark.

Learn more about writing diploma exams this year.

Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs)

Our school Division has chosen not to participate in Provincial Achievement Tests this school year.

What can I do to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

To help prevent the spread of illness, we are encouraging you to do the following:

You can also find more information at https://www.alberta.ca/coronavirus-info-for-albertans.aspx