Faith Theme Winning Poster

During our Division Opening Celebration on Monday, we were thrilled to unveil this year's Faith Theme Poster. This year's design was created by Dawson Ames, a grade 5 student at Father Henri Voisin School.
Here is Dawson's explanation of his art:
This year's theme, “Inspired by Christ on a Journey to Encounter, Nurture, and Serve” is represented in my artwork with a strong focus on nurture. The word nurture means caring for and encouraging the growth of something or someone. My first thought was to show that by drawing a life cycle of a plant. First, you must plant seeds and give them plenty of water. Secondly, the seeds need lots of sun and time. As you continue to provide the seeds with water eventually they will sprout and bloom into fully grown flowers. For a flower to stay alive you must continue to nurture it, and that takes patience, time and hard work. This is just like having a relationship with God, in order to grow your faith you need to put Jesus first. You can do this by praying and being kind to others. Your relationship with God is growing every day.
At the bottom of my picture I have also included four friends that are holding hands around the tree which is also in the shape of a cross. This symbolizes community, it takes many people not just yourself to enrich and nurture your faith, such as your school, church, family and friends. I wanted to show how every single person is unique and special in their own way, just the way God made them. God loves everyone no matter what you look like or where you're from. We are all children of God and have different gifts and talents.
I hope this artwork inspires you to be nurturing to the people and things in your life.
Great work, Dawson!
#rdcrs #WeAreRedDeerCatholic #FaithTheme #FeelGoodFriday
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